Dreamscape: coming to a theater near you

September 28, 2017 0
Dreamscape Immersive is a company I’ve been watching for several months now.  They haven’t developed their website beyond a placeholder page because their offering aren’t ready yet, but all that means is that the present [...]
Augmented Reality

Greenlight: Massive Growth for AR through 2023

September 28, 2017 0
Greenlight Insights is saying that revenue from augmented reality (AR) is going to explode from being $3.4 billion in to $36.4 billion just four years later in 2023.  That’s an 1100% increase.  Most of the [...]

A WndrCo Gamble

July 29, 2017 0
At first I thought it would work.  It sounded brilliant.  It probably still is.  But with an initial investment of $2B for a project that doesn’t have either a determined production facility or a digital platform, [...]

YouTube Introduces VR180

June 28, 2017 0
YouTube made a great move and they may just help kick off a greater appreciation and adoption of virtual reality. They’re rolling out a new video 180 degree format, called Google VR180 and they’re bringing [...]
Spotlight: Ad Industry

I’m mentioned in The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

by Jonathan Trenn in Business 0

Just got word that I’m mentioned in this upcoming book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. Haven’t read it yet but it may be out of context. Either way, it was about a disaster someone else [...]